There are several categories of advanced directives including living wills and health care proxy.
Please not that these can be a little different based on the state. Many states have ready made forms available on their websites. There are also several low cost on line form sites that provide state based forms.
Also known as a health care power of attorney or health care proxy . This is a form of power of attorney specific to health care in the event that you cannot communicate for yourself. It can also give a care taker better access to information about your health/healthcare.
Choose wisely grasshopper... the person must be someone you trust but also someone that can respond under duress.
You should still have a living will to outline your choices for end of life care.
Outlines your wishes about when to attempt to prolong your life (if terminally ill or permanently unconscious).
If terminally if or permanently unconscious do you want life support, tube feeding etc be started or stopped.
If nothing in writing Doctors will attempt to keep you alive (in the job description) even when you would prefer not.
To donate, or not to donate: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to decide ahead of time and take action to make your wishes known...
Donating - cool. Having your family find out after the fact that you donated organs or your whole body to science - not cool.
Organ donation is reasonable well know. You can also donate your body to a medical university or to a organization that provides organs to schools and labs for medical research.
The Conversation Project is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care.
Very good free resources for both individuals and practitioners.
Comprehensive site with inexpensive resources for individuals and practitioners.
"It's more than just a document. Five Wishes is a complete approach to discussing and documenting your care and comfort choices. It's about connecting families, communicating with healthcare providers, and showing your community what it means to care for one another. "